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Senior Instructor: Dave Jolly

I have spent the last 25 + years field identifying vascular plants in over 13 countries between North, central and south America as well as southeast Asia. I have also led a field trip to search for SAR & rare plants in the Turkey Point, Ontario area for the Field Botanists of Ontario in July, 2015.


All of my plant courses were designed and developed to help novice or unskilled people learn how to field identify vascular plants to family, genus and species level in 5 seconds or less.

Based on my extensive field knowledge and through the process of identifying over 190 families, 590 genera and over 2000 species of vascular plants (ie. trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges, rushes, ferns and club mosses) found in Ontario I have become a Site Region expert for the Carolinian & Mixed deciduous forest regions of Ontario (Ecoregions 6E & 7E). Additionally, I focus on increasing your working knowledge of flora. My courses are not taught in any colleges and universities. Compared to these institutions I go much more into the depth and breadth of the technical requirements that employers demand.

Techical knowledge

& expertise


Mr. Jolly has over 20 years of knowledge and expertise in terrestrial and aquatic/wetland ecology and biology working in Ontario in a senior management capacity. He has worked with numerous government and non-government agencies as well as in the private sector; the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), the Canadian Wildlife Service, Conservation Authorities, environmental consulting firms, school boards, politicians, government agencies, scientists, the public sector, etc. He has familiarity with the environmental consulting and planning process for provincially and federally listed Species at Risk and is skilled with all aspects of project development, procurement and delivery. He is certified and sanctioned by the MNR to perform Ecological Land Classification (ELC) and Wetland evaluations (OWES) for southern Ontario and has reviewed numerous reports conducted by Terrestrial/Aquatic and Wetland Biologists. He is particularly skilled at bringing people of many talents and backgrounds together to orchestrate complex projects ranging in size from several weeks to several years.

Dave has also authored the MNRF recovery strategy for threatened Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) and the updated COSEWIC status report for special concern Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii).

His real expertise lies in terrestrial & wetland ecology knowledge, drafting & developing new field projects, environmental laws and policies as well as terrestrial/wetland/aquatic resources of the 5 forest regions of Canada. Mr. Jolly has been awarded numerous government contracts and is a fully qualified instructor in GIS, flora & fauna field identification techniques, ELC, OWES and staff management.

Field botany projects

Senior Terrestrial Field Biologist/Ecologist, Plants of Ontario Project, EARTHQUEST (Canada)

Provided supervision and mentoring of intermediate and junior staff to organized & conduct field work in 44 counties and municipalities of Ontario in search of all vascular plants (ie. trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, sedges, rushes, ferns and club mosses). Work with supporting organizations to maintain and coordinate a 104, 372 record ACCESS database representing 173 families, 608 genera and 1379 plants of Ontario, including 134 Ontario Species at Risk (SAR) species. Database will be used to produce R ranks to determine rarity levels of vascular plants within Site Regions (regional rarity). Lead GIS Technician in charge of mapping all SAR plants in ACCESS database utilizing ArcView plantforms. These maps will be used for the SAR plants of Ontario book, sponsored by TD/Canada Trust Friends of the Environment Foundation.

Project manager, Agrimony Project, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rurual Affairs Supervisor

Organized a two year study with the Ontario Ministry of Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) - Simcoe Station to investigate an alternative or supplementary crop to the declining tobacco industry. Conducted full ELC field surveys at 8 natural sites across Ontario and compared ecosites, soil types, pH, moisture regimes, phosphate, nitrate and phosphorous levels to determine the ultimate growing formula for farmers. Conducted studies on plant height vs. density in 5 natural areas. Studied the medicinal properties of plants growing in natural areas. Medicinal product will be patoned for distribution to the public once growing formula has been firmly established.

SAR Biologist, EARTHQUEST (Canada)

Principal in charge of SAR field surveys for all vascular plants (ie. Trees, shrubs, wildflowers, grasses, sedges, rushes, ferns and club mosses) within Site Regions 6E and & 7E covering approximately 24 counties. Responsible for submitting over 300 SAR plant records to the NHIC in 2010.

Senior Botanist, Dopko & Bonta Sites, Bruce Trail Conservancy

Project Manager and Supervisor on behalf of the Bruce Trail Conservancy. Responsible for conducting a complete ELC and vegetation survey of a property near Grimsby in Niagara County and Halton County, Ontario.

Volunteer Biologist, Byng Island & Pinehurst Lake Conservation Areas , Grand River Conservation Authority

Project Supervisor and Manager responsible for obtaining permits to conduct full ELC and vegetation surveys. Discovered provincially rare Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica) stands and inclusions within a 12 hectare deciduous forest type and threatened Honey locust (Gleditsia tricanthos) within a Dry-fresh Sugar maple deciduous forest type.

Senior Field Botanist, flora inventory, Sandbanks Provincial Park

Conducted a full vegetation field survey of all vascular plants at Sandbanks Provincial Park. Discovered 324 plant species and added 11 new species to official park list. Publication submitted to Zone Ecologist for Site Region 6E.

Expedition leader, Research/Conservation Expedition to Nepal, EARTHQUEST (Canada)

Responsilbe for leading a team of 18 into the southern Terai region in search of rare medicinal plants. Orchestrated all field logistics and taught plant field identification.

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