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Plants of the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve Project

This project began in 1999 with a complete inventory of over 360 species of vascular plants along a 215 km stretch of the Bruce Trail. This culminated in the publication of a book entitled "A Hiker's Guide to the Flora and Fauna of the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve: Tobermory to Owen Sound, Ontario" in 2004.

In memorandum of our dear friend and supporter Ann Bard of the Cape Chin Connection Inn we're endeavoring to continue surveying all vascular plants between Tobermory and St. Catherines, Ontario. to produce another book on the flora. You can contribute signficantly to our efforts to document the flora of the Niagara Escarpment. Each year, and EARTHQUEST field botanist visits selected natural areas to obtain records for the database. If you have little to no botanical experience you may still join the project and gain valuable hands-on practical skills and training by enrolling in field botany courses. Volunteers with the highest inventory rates may be selected for jobs assising with teaching courses or survey work. In 2018 EARTHQUEST will be collecting records from the following sites:

1. Bruce Trail system - Hamilton and Dundas areas;

2. Various SAR plant sites - southwestern Ontario

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